Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Olive Theory

                                                                    The Olive Theory

This theory was mentioned  in probably the first episode of How I Met Your Mother when Ted went on a date with Robin and she said that she hated olives and Ted got excited because he loves olives and Robin asked why and Ted then explains what the Olive Theory by saying this "Based on my friends Marshall and Lily. He hates olives. She loves them. In a weird way, that's what makes them such a great couple, perfect balance!" So the Olive theory is another way of saying that opposites attract. Do I agree with this? I think I do, in order for a relationship to work we need to learn more about each other, but if we're exactly the same then there would be no balance and with no balance means no diversity and relationships need that so it can be successful, I would explain more but I'm not good at explaining things. I do think there is a limit on how different you can be, if the two is too different then all they're gonna do is fight over stuff and that clearly isn't good, so slightly different interests is the perfect balance.

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